
Saturday Photo Hunt - Book(s)...

Books and Coffee on table
A new year greeted with coffee and books Board Books and Babies 
Board books and babies - and a mommy's lap Books and coffee on swing 
A cup of coffee, a basket of books, and a sunny September morning Thanks to TNChick, for her faithful and gracious hosting of the Saturday Photo Hunt each week. For "book(s)" photos from other Photo Hunt participants just click on the Photo Hunter Banner or the Technorati PhotoHunt tag below. The theme for next week's Photo Hunt is "advertisement".


May::Day 25::Memorial Day Red, White and Blue

red memorial day flowers 
 "In Flanders Fields the poppies blow 
Between the crosses row on row, 
That mark our place; and in the sky 
The larks, still bravely singing, fly 
Scarce heard amid the guns below."
white memorial day flowers
"We are the Dead. 
Short days ago 
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, 
Loved and were loved, and now we lie 
In Flanders fields."
blue memorial day flowers
"Take up our quarrel with the foe: 
To you from failing hands we throw 
The torch; be yours to hold it high. 
If ye break faith with us who die 
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow 
In Flanders fields.
 " Read more about "In Flanders Fields"
by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918), Canadian Army
Memorial Day
Arlington Cemetery,where the ashes of my parents (veterans of WWII) are inurned, a portion of the Vietnam Wall Memorial
Three years after the Civil War ended, on May 5, 1868, the head of an organization of Union veterans — the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) — established Decoration Day as a time for the nation to decorate the graves of the war dead with flowers. Maj. Gen. John A. Logan declared that Decoration Day should be observed on May 30. It is believed that date was chosen because flowers would be in bloom all over the country. The first large observance was held that year at Arlington National Cemetery, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. The ceremonies centered around the mourning-draped veranda of the Arlington mansion, once the home of Gen. Robert E. Lee. Various Washington officials, including Gen. and Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant, presided over the ceremonies. After speeches, children from the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Orphan Home and members of the GAR made their way through the cemetery, strewing flowers on both Union and Confederate graves, reciting prayers and singing hymns. Read more...(From the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs)


Saturday Photo Hunt::Plastic...

Mason's plastic train set and Gavin's plastic lunch plate and sippy cups. Nothing plastic about the little ones - they are 100% boy.

Ice cold water in plastic bottles was distributed to the walkers participating in the "Walk for Life".


"Attitude", part II...

Austin's Birthday

A rare photo of me with Austin {bottom right corner} - still crying an hour after his birth - and Jessi's dad giving him a kiss later. 

Austin's Birthday

Mason wasn't too sure about his new "ba brudder", but he was thrilled with the balloons and the oversized baby bottle filled with candy, and hiding in the closet in Jessi's hospital room.

Auntie Em
Papa and Austin 
Papa (Louis)

This photo totally cracks me up. It may have been our last opportunity to get Jessi, Mason, Casey and Austin together for a family photo before we left, but it was apparently bad timing for Austin.
We are most grateful for Jessi's parents, who graciously made room for us and treated us like family in their beautiful home in Texas. Our time with Casey and his family would not have been nearly as delightful without Tom and Diane's generous hospitality. We are blessed.

...from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those who fear him,
and his righteousness with their children's children...

Psalm 103:17


Saturday Photo Hunt::Painted...

Painted Stuff

...a painted brick wall on the streets of Nashville, an orange and blue painted Tim Treebow, a painted sidewalk sign in my little town, and a neighbor's red and blue painted chicken coop

  Painted Journal Pages 

...painted pages from last year's journal

  Painted Buntings
...and Painted Buntings, of course!



2 1/2 days old...

...that's what Casey said Austin was born with - attitude. I must admit, he did come equipped with a healthy set of lungs. And long black hair and the sweetest disposition - as long as he can eat the nano-second he is hungry.

Sporty Mason

And Mason. My goodness. Have I ever missed that adorable Mason. He is so cute and smart and funny - and I fell asleep in tears last night at the thought of having to kiss those sweet cheeks of his goodbye again soon. 

Emily and I just finished the most delicious lunch at a Cheesecake Factory in Dallas with Emily's two delightful online friends. This is my first trip to Dallas AND to a Cheesecake Factory. Let me tell you - the chocolate coconut cheesecake is incredible. I'll be on a sugar high for the rest of the day. 

We are in Dallas to pick up Louis who is flying in from Florida. We can't wait to see him and introduce him to Austin. 

The wildflowers in NE Texas are stunning, and as you can imagine, I have taken a few photographs as proof, but until next week, when we return to Pollywog Creek, I pray that you will be blessed to be a blessing.


Saturday Photo Hunt - In Memory...

Easter 1953 ...with much love and gratefulness, my mother and grandmothers.

For the second year in a row, I'm in Texas on Mother's Day weekend, and this post was prepared and scheduled while I was still at home on Pollywog Creek. If you happen to visit while I am away and leave a comment so I'll know you were here, I promise to visit your photo hunt post as soon as I can. Until then - be blessed. Love and honor your mother this weekend - and always; and if your mother like mine is no longer with us, I pray that you can remember her with great joy and that you will honor her this weekend with your love and care for others. Happy Mother's Day and thanks to TNChick, for her gracious hosting of the Saturday Photo Hunt every week. For "in memory" photos from other Photo Hunt participants be sure to click on the Photo Hunter Banner or the Technorati PhotoHunt tag below. The theme for next week's Photo Hunt is "painted". Can you guess what is certain to be in mine?


Don't forget...

...the fantastic book giveaway I mentioned here. Chris Brauns - author of Unpacking Forgiveness - is hosting a fantastic Summer Book Blast, with an opportunity to win one of 10 books including a calf-skin ESV Study Bible that retails for $239.99, or 1 of the following:
2 signed copies of Unpacking Forgiveness 2 copies of, What He Must Be if He Wants to Marry My Daughter, by Voddie Baucham, 2 copies of Don’t Waste You Life, by John Piper, 2 copies of What is a Healthy Church?, by Mark Dever, 2 copies of Worldliness, by C.J. Mahaney.


Saturday Photo Hunt - Walking...

beach walking the sea
"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time..."
Thanks and kudos to TNChick, for her gracious hosting of the Saturday Photo Hunt every week. For "walking" photos from other Photo Hunt participants be sure to click on the Photo Hunter Banner or the Technorati PhotoHunt tag below. The theme for next week's Photo Hunt is "in memory".