I'm a simple, raised-in-the-south, small town girl, who long ago fell in love with and married a handsome sailor. By the grace of God, we've been married 40 years.
We're both multi-generational native Floridians living in a modest home on a few good acres dotted with pines and moss-draped oaks. Rusty lyonia, beautyberry, palmetto and grapevines flourish in the thickets along the creek that defines the western edge of our property, and an occasional gator or otter can be seen in our cypress-rimmed pond--reducing the frog population, no doubt.
We have raised and homeschooled children, washed the feet of a saint, and delighted in grandchildren here on Pollywog Creek. Our lives and hearts are full. I complain about our Florida summers, but I've got sand stuck between my toes. Unless the Lord has other plans, we'll likely never leave.
Pollywog Creek is my photo-journal of common graces and mercies--where I document my practice of cultivating an eye for life's mercies wherever God takes me. Mercies found in sunlight, clinging vines, wildflowers, insects and weeds, as well as whimsical dragonflies, wide-eyed frogs, painted buntings, and the hearts I hold most dear. I'm usually not far from home.
We're both multi-generational native Floridians living in a modest home on a few good acres dotted with pines and moss-draped oaks. Rusty lyonia, beautyberry, palmetto and grapevines flourish in the thickets along the creek that defines the western edge of our property, and an occasional gator or otter can be seen in our cypress-rimmed pond--reducing the frog population, no doubt.
We have raised and homeschooled children, washed the feet of a saint, and delighted in grandchildren here on Pollywog Creek. Our lives and hearts are full. I complain about our Florida summers, but I've got sand stuck between my toes. Unless the Lord has other plans, we'll likely never leave.
Pollywog Creek is my photo-journal of common graces and mercies--where I document my practice of cultivating an eye for life's mercies wherever God takes me. Mercies found in sunlight, clinging vines, wildflowers, insects and weeds, as well as whimsical dragonflies, wide-eyed frogs, painted buntings, and the hearts I hold most dear. I'm usually not far from home.
Washing the Feet of the Saints is a painfully slow work in progress -- a caring for the elderly, tender-place-in-my-heart. You are welcome to take a peek and read through the archives. Someday I'll return to write more.
Encou{RA}ge is where Isometimes rarely share my journey with rheumatoid arthritis and crohns disease. Chronic illness doesn't define me but it's certainly a significant part of my story.
A freelance writer for a variety of publications over the years, I'm currently a regular contributor to Gulf Coast Woman, a regional magazine highlighting the accomplishments of exceptional SW Florida women.
No Matter What It's a Good Day When is an award winning gift book featuring my photography. It would be wonderful if you'd purchase a copy--for you or someone you know who could use the encouragement.
Encou{RA}ge is where I
A freelance writer for a variety of publications over the years, I'm currently a regular contributor to Gulf Coast Woman, a regional magazine highlighting the accomplishments of exceptional SW Florida women.
No Matter What It's a Good Day When is an award winning gift book featuring my photography. It would be wonderful if you'd purchase a copy--for you or someone you know who could use the encouragement.