My favorite time of the day is first thing in the morning - coffee, devotions, scripture, prayer....which means my second favorite time of the day is bedtime, because "first thing in the morning" will come next..........(my facebook status earlier this week)
I was fully prepared to pass on this week's hunt. I could not think of anything in my archives that fit the "creamy" category, there was nothing "creamy" in my week that grabbed my attention, and I've been much too distracted with time-sensitive projects and more pressing matters like looking for bullfrogs (I'll explain in a later post) to spend time searching.
As my facebook status declared, I love first thing in the morning. I often fall asleep in joyful anticipation of that first hour of the day when I can sit quietly with my Bible, a devotional and more than one cup of coffee. Just as I settled down in the study this morning to do just that, I saw it.

More often than not, my first cup of coffee in the morning is hot and black, but I was up with a sick Emily during the night and wasn't thinking clearly when I made a very creamy first cup of coffee instead.
Thanks to TNChick, for her faithful and gracious hosting of the Saturday Photo Hunt each week. For "creamy" photos from other Photo Hunt participants just click on the PhotoHunt tag below. The theme for next week's Photo Hunt is "flags".