
Letter from Mimi's Backyard::Week Four

Fear not, little flock,
for it is your Father's good pleasure
to give you the kingdom.

Luke 12:32

To Mimi's little flock,

BIG hugs and kisses from Papa and Mimi. We love and miss you BIGGIE bunches.

Are you having a happy summer? I would love to know what makes you happy?

Do you like to swim and play with your toys and read books?

Do you like to play outside?

What about ice-cream cones and popsicles - do they make you happy, too?

Something that makes Gavin happy is singing his favorite song - "Old Macdonald had a farm...", right Gavin? And it makes him even happier if we all sing it with him. Again and again and again.

Do you have a favorite song to sing, too, Mason?

When I was on a walk outside this morning, I heard mockingbirds singing their favorite songs. Mockingbirds are very good at learning the songs of all the other birds and then singing them very loudly so that we will know how smart they are- like some little boys I know.

I also saw flycatchers, a cardinal, and a great white heron searching for food around the pond.

Here are their pictures. Can you point to the bird that is red? Grey? White? Can you count the birds you see here?

It wouldn't be summer here on Pollywog Creek without insects. I don't mind most insects as long as they stay are outside. I think they are interesting and fun to watch, don't you?

Here are some insects I saw this week: a white hairy caterpillar, an orange dragonfly and a brown cicada with green and black wings. I also saw a plenty of mosquitoes - but who wants a picture of a mosquito? Not me! 

We also had visitors this week.


Some of our neighbors chickens "flew the coop" and crossed the fence into our pasture. Another neighbor's peacock hen decided she wanted to spend a week on our side of Pollywog Creek. The chickens and the peacock were good visitors and have now flown back home.

We saw baby rabbits in the asparagus fern underneath our bedroom window this week, too. Auntie Em tried to catch one of them, but even a baby rabbit can run faster than we can.

Unless that white heron I saw this morning caught all the bullfrogs for her breakfast, there are still several bullfrogs living at the edge of the pond. I've been trying to sneak up on one so I can take a good picture for you, but they are as quick as a rabbit, and they jump into the pond before I can get close.

One day I bet you will be quick enough to catch a frog - when you are older and bigger and can safely explore around ur Pollywog Creek pond.

Bullfrog Coloring Page 
(Click to enlarge the coloring page for printing - there are other frog coloring pages linked below under resources)

Papa and I hear the bullfrogs from the house at night. Do you know what sound a bullfrog makes? You can watch this video if you'd like to listen to one...

Do frogs walk or run?  No. What do frogs do?

You are right! They jump or hop - just like rabbits.

What about you - can you hop, too? Aren't you glad that you don't have to hop every where you go? God didn't make us to hop all the time like rabbits and frogs.

There is a story in the Bible that talks about frogs and a king in Egypt who was very mean to God's people. Ask your mom or dad to tell you that story some time. Frogs were everywhere. Even in people's houses. I wouldn't want a frog in my house, would you? I'm glad that they stay outside with the rabbits and birds and insects where they belong.

I never know what God is going to show me when I go outside for a walk, but I always ask Him to show me something that I can tell you about and He always answers my prayers. God is so good to us.

Don't forget to say your prayers and until I write you again next week...

Don't ever forget that Jesus loves you and so do Papa and Mimi...a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck!

Resources for Further Study and Enrichment 
All Things Bright And Beautiful, illustrated by Pauline Baynes 
The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones, "God to the rescue!" p. 84-91
Pond & River - Eyewitness Books - "Frogs, toads, and newts", p. 38-39 
Bullfrog Coloring Page 
Bullfrog Coloring Page (PDF)