"Thou who has given so much to me,
give one thing more: a grateful heart."
~ George Herbert
Sure would be nice if someone would say 'thank you'. I grumbled to myself, irritated that no one seemed to appreciate a single thing I did.
It's what happens when the things you do are freely given. I continued the woe-is-me pitiful conversation with myself. Their lack of gratitude makes me not want to give them one more thing - ever again.
Pitiful, pitiful, pitiful.
"I know how you feel." The Lord's whisper pierced my heart as I began to recall a multitude of gifts and blessings from His very hand - freely given grace and mercy gifts I'd failed to acknowledge or appreciate.
My cheeks blushed with shame. It's a wonder that He's given me one more thing - ever again.
Give me one thing more, Lord, I begged - please give me a grateful heart.

Photos: the sun hanging low over sugarcane fields and reflecting at sunset on the hood of the car as I drove east to west down rural highways a few weeks ago.