When given the opportunity, it is the metaphor of light with which I share my redemption story. Is it any wonder then, that it is the way light makes that which is wet and cold blaze orange and golden - and has the power to draw me out of the dark place where I am warm and cozy and comfortable and making note of all that is wrong?
And as the Light draws me away from the darkness and poverty of spirit that a poor-me list nurtures, my heart overflows with gratitude for the abundance of all that is beautiful and good and full of grace and mercy in a sometimes cold and broken journey season.
~ the daily lighting of candles and the gathering of oil and light for the journey as the darkness of day approaches
~ friends walking down the same bumpy path (you know who you are), hearts tethered close - we can do this
~ music, oh what joy, joy, joy
~ a daughter for a friend - so ready to spread her wings with a heart bent for the least of these
~ friends who love enough to offer advice, even if I'm not sure it's right for me and the grace that fills in our differences
~ Betsy(you know who you are, too, sweet friend) and your amazing gift and the time and thought it required
~ the granddaughter I can't wait to meet
~ the feet of those we love that, God willing, will soon be under our table
Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” ~ John 8:12 ESV