
Happy Birthday Mom

“No one is useless in the world who lightens the burden of it for another.” – Charles Dickens

A while back, my mom gave me (Emily) access to her blog and today I am going to take advantage of it.

Today is a day to celebrate one of the most amazing women in the world. I am a bit biased, but I would even say she is the most amazing woman that I know. I know what you’re thinking “it’s her birthday, you have to say that”. Now, I am the baby of the family and could win gold medals for how well I suck up to my parents at times, but this is truly how I feel about my mom. Just ask her, I can’t write about something I’m not genuinely passionate for.

I started thinking about writing this on Mother’s Day. Our pastor preached on what a Godly mom looked like, the kind of example they should set for their children. As a daughter I feel especially blessed to have a mom who for each thing listed I could check off. She has taught me the importance of prayer and worship. She looks forward to every Sunday like it’s a holiday, she loves the church. She enjoys the fellowship. Even if it isn’t perfect, she realizes the Biblical importance of being a part of a congregation of believers. More importantly, she has set an example of non-Sunday worship and intimacy with God. She’s sure to make time to get in the Word every day and really process all that she learns. While she doesn’t write on here as much as I’m sure you all want her to, she values the personal lessons that God teaches her and I look forward to one day reading her recorded thoughts the way she has been able to read those of her own mom.

Of course she also uses her photography to document Creation and marvels at His handiwork. I admit, I’m usually bored (or grossed out) by her finds, but maybe one day I will share her love for even the tiny, disgusting critters of God and the pretty birds. Though I will say, she broke my heart when she had my gator (Brantley) removed from the pond. Apparently gators don’t have the same place in her heart as painted buntings. No one is perfect…

While she has taught me a lot about having a relationship with Christ and enjoying Him thru thick and thin, she has also played a big part in my love for sports. If you met her, you would think, “oh what sweet, quiet woman”. Let me tell you, watch the Florida/Georgia game with this lady and that will forever change your perspective! Her dad was the king Gator fan in our family, but since he died when I was 7, there wasn’t much time for him to pass on extreme fandom to most of his grandkids. My mom took the torch and has done quite well. I’ll bet you didn’t know she even broke her ankle while watching a Florida football game because she got so mad. True story. Her dad was also a Red Sox fan and she was raised to be one as well. Luckily for us though, she married a Yankees fan and, as a good, faithful wife does, she converted to the light. She knows pretty much the entire roster and loves to go watch the guys play in Tampa.

She has also set an example of a servant attitude. I would like to think I got some of her drive to help the least of these, the broken-hearted and those who are looked over. When I read the quote by Charles Dickinson, my mom instantly came to mind. From bringing in her mom to live with us for her last year of life on earth, to taking someone incapable of doing it themselves to get their nails done – she has a heart of gold for people.

She has always been someone I can talk to about anything and everything. She has talked me thru things I didn’t want to do, but that made me stronger on the other side (which of course she knew would happen). She is definitely mine and my brothers’ biggest fans. She brags on us, but also encourages us to be the best at whatever we do and wants to see us reach our fullest potential. While always wanting us close, she willingly lets God lead us even if it takes us further away from her than she would like. It completely blows my mind when I think that she left a job where she excelled and loved to work all because she wanted to be with her kids. That type of attitude is so rare in today’s culture. She didn’t care about promotions or a title. She gave it all up to truly raise 4 kids. She wanted to make sure she was a part of our lives and knew us better than she knew her patients and co-workers. She poured into our lives 24/7.

She’s the family nurse. God knew this family would need someone with medical experience… She’s made late night trips to the hospital for her grandchildren and knows the perfect way to ease the little sick bugs that seem to come frequently in the Hunter house. She simply knows how to make you feel better! She is one of the most patient people I know. She is always gentle with her words. She admits mistakes with grace. She has a surprisingly large amount of energy, but it’s the quiet and relentless kind. She is the best mom ever. Happy Birthday, Momma.