
Morning glorious gratitudes...

The flamebush has yet to to attract the hummingbirds I'd hoped for, but like those blanket flowers under the study window and the beauty berry along the fence whose portraits I often post, the flamebush has had no problem attracting me and my camera.

I'm simply enchanted by the red-green contrast and even the little green spiders that jump from leaf to leaf to avoid capture at my approach...and especially how glorious it glows in the light of dawn and dusk.

With only one or two penciled-in activities on the calendar, the week ahead appears to be one of rest and restoration from the not-so-restful weeks gone by. I've learned, however, to remain flexible to God's yet-to-be-revealed plans (He does know what's best) and to take each moment as it comes.

As I step out into this restoration week, I pause to count thanks - to list in community a multitude of gratitudes...
  • flamebushes, blanket flowers, beauty berries, and little green spiders...
  • streaks of sunlight on sweet chubby faces...

  • little fingers tapping soft (please pardon the dust)...

Be careful little hands....

  • second chances...
  • cherishing beautiful gratitude words in a circle of friends journal in my mailbox...
  • friends (Linda) who wash feet when I cannot...
  • a house full of grandlittles...
  • a beautiful courageous daughter praying her way to Africa...


  • soaking rains for parched ground...
  • nighttime snuggles and prayers...
  • sleeping at their feet...
  • a backyard swing for me....

The view from here....
  • and more swings for them...

  • storytime at the library...
  • playdates with Mason and Gavin...
  • a letter (and Mother's Day card) from our Compassion child in Guatemala...
  • my first digital camera in Mason's hands...

"Is it a REAL camera, mimi?"

Won't you join Ann and other grateful hearts as we count our thanks together?