Thankful for God's many good gifts and counting them with Ann and a grateful community...
And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
to which indeed you were called in one body.
And be thankful
~ Colossians 3:15
...the peace of Christ that rules my heart
...the one body to which I have been called
...the love of Christ that binds the hearts in our small group within the body
...unending mercy and grace {can I ever be thankful enough?}
...play dates with a grandlittle
...an afternoon with the dearest of friends and Betsy's creative and generous gift
...frozen homemade yogurt and banana/peach smoothies
...a faithful husband of {almost} 35 years who cooks Sunday morning breakfast and brings orchids with "I thought you could use a little cheer"
...a "season of gratitude" tree on the window {photos next week?}
...encouraging news for Marilyn, Sue and Emily
...cool mornings for open windows and fresh air and sunshine