
Expecting a baby...



Christmas morning never comes fast enough - when I speak, think and reason like a child - when waiting to open presents seems an eternity and all my expectations for happiness are wrapped and tied up with curly ribbons.

Happiness that vanishes with the worn-out-newness of each unwrapped present leaves me unfulfilled for the next unopened gift. Disappointment hides in the shadows of every gathering and in every thought not taken captive,

Contentment tied to things or people or events {or the weather} brings empty, joy-less, woe-is-me waiting.

Today I'm expecting a baby and nothing more than the gifts His birth brings. And why not? They are the gifts without measure in a joy-filled celebration that never wears out, never disappoints, never, ever ends.

You make known to me the path of life;
in your presence there is fullness of joy;

at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

(Psalm 16:11 ESV)

{Photos} our warm Pollywog Creek backyard