

Now the Lord has fulfilled his promise...
2 Chronicles 6:10

Promises. I've learned not to make them, because chances are my best intentions {and memory} will fail. And if there's anything I've learned from this past year of affliction, life's best lived one day {if not one step} at a time.

But there's a balance between taking life as it comes and holding tight to plans and an agenda - a balance I often struggled to find last year. Too often I drifted aimlessly when established patterns and rhythms no longer worked. That's not my hope for the days to come. I need to gently tap the pendulum in the other direction.

Before my mornings were greeted with pain, I'd wake every day with open hands and the simple prayer, What are we going to do today, LORD? It didn't mean that I didn't have plans for the day, only that I wasn't clinging to them - that I was giving them over to be changed or redirected, because if the Lord wasn't in them, I didn't want to be either. 

I still don't, so as I endeavor to stop drifting and move forward with a few simple plans {not promises} for the days to come, I preface them with  "Lord willing".