






Do you ever catch yourself complaining about something, and then repent when you realize the absurdity of your complaint?

Like when Facebook makes changes and everyone complains because they don't like the changes, and it's so absurd because we're complaining about something that's free? 

It's pathetic, isn't it? It's bad enough when we whine and complain about this and that, but about something that's free when we really should be grateful?

And then there's me, complaining about summer. Is that not ridiculous, when there's so much for which I should be grateful?  

Like last weekend, when Nick and Kristin, Casey and Jessi, and all the grandlittles were here with us. The very next day {Father's Day}, we went to church with Nick and Kristin for 2 1/2 week old Tyler's dedication. 

And today is Louis' birthday, and we are going to go to Casey and Jessi's to celebrate Austin's 3rd birthday, too. 

And to think I complain about summer. 

What do you have planned for this perfectly delightful summer weekend? 

{Don't forget about next Saturday :: It's a global applause for the Creator} because gratitude really does change everything. Next Sunday - July 1 - I'll post a linky for everyone to share their "Applause Day" photos. Won't you join me?}

Linking on Saturdays with Sandra...