Jennifer Lee {@Getting Down with Jesus} was all about the moon last week and asked some of her photographer friends if we'd share photos of the moon for one of her posts. I was both surprised to be asked and honored to be included.
Jennifer's request came just when I've been wondering if anyone really cares whether I write or take photos - because even if we know that God has given us gifts to be used for His glory, and His opinion and encouragement is the only one that truly matters - encouragement from others inspires and motivates us to keep on keeping on when we're discouraged and feel like giving up.
I thought about that encouragement yesterday when I read an article on how to calculate the value of a "like" in social media. {HT to J.B. Wood @Shrinking the Camel} As someone who thinks relationally and struggles to appreciate marketing, I was both fascinated and disappointed at how the monetary value of a social media "like" can be calculated - because the value of a "like" can be immeasurable. It says, I noticed. I agree. That was great. Thanks.
And because I know this, I need to be a better "liker" - and I don't mean on FB or Twitter - but someone who notices others and lets them know that who they are and what they do matter.
Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. ~ Philippians 2:4 ESV
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:11 ESV
{Moon photo collage - Inspired by Jennifer's post, I couldn't resist grabbing my camera and heading out into the backyard in my PJs in Sunday's early dawn when I saw the moon still gracing the sky.}