It began with a desire that became a craving - an empty place that I filled with things of this world - anything or anyone but the One for which the desire and need was created.
And like all idols, it demanded a sacrifice. It took from me something of greater value - time, peace, joy, contentment and intimacy with the Father - and left me craving for more.
It was Pastor Eric's message three years ago, urging us to examine our hearts for the things of this world we treasure and to name them - the idols to which we cling. Then gathered together in a small circle of friends bound together in Christ, it was Sam who spoke the truth. "All of them {those idols of our hearts} could all be gone tomorrow."
My daughter Emily calls it a wave when she keeps hearing the same message from different sources. She recognizes it as God's way of getting her attention. I know what she means. Lately, as I've struggled emotionally to release my grip on people and circumstances in my life - good gifts, all of them - God has been getting my attention. He's been bringing multiple messages that are speaking straight into my heart and revealing the idols these gifts have become. Good gifts for which I am grateful, but that I need to hold loosely, that I might cling to the Giver - for He alone is worthy.
My daughter Emily calls it a wave when she keeps hearing the same message from different sources. She recognizes it as God's way of getting her attention. I know what she means. Lately, as I've struggled emotionally to release my grip on people and circumstances in my life - good gifts, all of them - God has been getting my attention. He's been bringing multiple messages that are speaking straight into my heart and revealing the idols these gifts have become. Good gifts for which I am grateful, but that I need to hold loosely, that I might cling to the Giver - for He alone is worthy.
And just like with Job - could it not be the hand of the Lord that allows it? A hard eucharisteo to peel my hands off the good when my heart becomes attached to the gifts - the good things for which I'm grateful, but idols none-the-less.
And still He seeks the fellowship of His people and will send them both joy and sorrow to detach their hands from the things of this world and to attach those hands to Himself.
J.I. Packer
Two weeks ago, I began a study with other women in my church - a seven week focus on idol addiction. Then today, Jennifer Dukes Lee invites us to join her in the Love Idol Movement - a journey through Lent {beginning next Wednesday} to recognize, to call out and to detach {our} hands from the things of this world and to attach those hands to {God}.
Won't you join Jennifer? And me?What lies does your heart tell you? Whose approval do you seek? What love idols lurk in your precious soul?Would you be willing to name it? Or him? Or her? Or them?This is us, together, letting go of what (or whom) is claiming real-estate in our hearts — real estate that actually belongs to God.