When I go looking for glimpses of Him, when I seek to fill the empty places with more of Him who is beauty, my equilibrium recalibrates to find its center in the Judge who became grace to bestow grace and I can rightly read the scale, feel it inside, and know it's true:
If you can really see -- the weight of Glory always tips the scales for joy.
~ Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts Devotional, p. 83*
Photo: playing with layering.
*I've been privileged to lead the women's study at my church this fall, developing it around around Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts Devotional and the One Thousand Gifts DVD Study. If you are interested in how I've taken a 5 lesson DVD study and created an 11 week study for groups, just drop me an email ( pollywogcreekporch at gmail dot com )and I'll be happy to share the plan with you.