Fall is mostly an illusion on Pollywog Creek.
The deciduous cypress trees at the edge of the pond, the sweetgum trees behind the back porch, and the yellow and orange marigolds and gerber daisies all bear a resemblance of fall, but it is only an illusion and a poor one at that - a response to shorter days, not the fallish temperatures my northern friends enjoy.
I'm trying hard not to complain, though. It won't be long before we will boast in the most delightful winter and spring and I can lazily bask in the sunshine from my backyard swing. In the meantime, I'll continue to experience fall vicariously through lovely photos from friends like those Patsy and Mama Bear posted this week.

We have had a taste of pleasantly cool mornings here and there, with temperatures lingering in the 60's for a couple of hours. Today was one of them and I delighted in every delicious moment.
I'd love to know what October is like where you live.
Did you post fall photos this week, too?