Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.~ Ephesians 4.29 (emphasis mine)
This verse from Ephesians was quoted often in our home - in those years we were still raising little ones and unkind words could easily roll off their tongues in moments of anger and hurt. They weren't the only ones.
Years past those days of sibling rivalry and mean-spirited word-slinging - that passage speaks most directly to me today as I'm preparing to write or speak. Though I'm not inclined to toss out unkind or corrupting words, all the editing for grammar and clarity means little if what I write or speak (blogging, facebook, twitter, too) does not build up and give grace.
This morning I am grateful for the "builder-uppers" in my life - who see my need to be spurred on and encouraged - and hold out apples of gold on silver trays of grace.
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver. ~ Proverbs 25.11
- encouraging, building, grace-giving friends - you
- four and half inches of cleansing, refreshing, drought-relieving rain
- the sweetest "apples of gold" from the heart of the Father
- the gift of fresh okra
- my beautiful daughter packing for Africa (*my heart*)
- books
- Sunday mornings with my brothers and sisters in Jesus
- my church's gospel-centered leadership
- a friend safely home from France
- beautyberries turning purple
- gardenias fragrant blooms
- wildflowers along fences
- puzzles and legos and grandlittles to play with
- a clean dry bed, too-many clothes, well-stocked pantry, refrigerator filled, plumbing, hot water and electricity, air-conditioning, health care, medicine, cars, family, friends.....have I a need for anything but Jesus.