Inspired by the lovely Ann's "weekends are for...." posts, and in an effort to be more organized in my week day writing here on Pollywog Creek, I'm going to begin publishing a "weekend wanderings..." post on Saturdays.
From the very beginning, my blogging philosophy has been one of "blogging without obligation". I have no desire to receive financial benefits from blogging, but in fairness to those I collaborate with on other projects and for my own benefit, my blogging needs to be a bit more disciplined.
I'm not sure how that will look yet, but I can almost guarantee that there will be much tweaking and re-arranging before it feels right and settled.
"Weekend wanderings..." will be personal and newsy and with unrelated photos that didn't make the "cut", but I love them anyway and I may as well post them here for you to love or not-love, as well.
"Weekend wanderings..." will be informal - much like the way we live. We try to finish our chores and cook during the week and have simple meals and leftovers to eat for the weekend. It doesn't always work out that way, but we try. Our weekends are for naps and watching baseball and my favorite morning of the whole week - when Louis cooks breakfast and we ride for nearly an hour to church while listening to music and then spend the morning in fellowship and worship with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Oh, how I love the Body of Christ.
"Weekend wanderings..." might be the place I update my health status from time to time, rather than the separate blog I started last winter and have since abandoned. It simply wasn't good for me to give those issues that much attention.
Maybe we can talk about what books we are reading here on "weekend wanderings..." I won two books this week in separate drawings: Branded: Sharing Jesus With A Consumer Culture by Tim Sinclair, and Veneer: Living Deeply In A Surface Society by Timothy Willard and Jason Locy. I hope to finish reading them this weekend and then tell you about them next weekend.
I'd love to know what your weekends are like. Do you cook large meals? Read books and takes naps? Go to the movies?