
Wrapped in love...

"This piece was handmade for Pat Hunter by the Prayer Shawl Ministry of Cumming First United Methodist Church. As it was created, we prayed for you. We asked the Lord to give you many blessings of courage, strength, and comfort. As you hold this in your hands, please remember the love that we have for you and the love that God has for you as He holds you in His hands." humility count others more significant than yourselves.

How do you do that - count others more significant than yourself?  

I learn from my beautiful gratitude-counting friend Marilyn. 

She fights for her life against a disease she'd overcome years ago - and she labors in love for others

While drugs for the disease drips into her veins, she crochets a cerulean shawl, embellishes it with a charm of love, and mails it to me on the wings of prayer.