


With outside temperatures in the upper sixties, I spent hours in my backyard yesterday soaking up sunshine in a make-shift "woman cave" - a lounge chair, a basket of cameras, a larger basket of books and journals, my iPod and coffee. My heart is set on a repeat today - Lord willing. 

The weather is a huge influence on my adherence to goals. Delightful days like yesterday demand that I drop all other plans and bask in the gift. Wouldn't you do the same? All was not lost, however. I made significant progress in Les Miserables, read a short Victor Hugo biography, and did five loads of laundry. Sounds like progress to me.

As idyllic as I may have made this week appear, it was not without life's distractions and diversions that included knee injections, a hard freeze, severe fatigue, and Casey in an auto accident on his way to work after a truck ran a red light and hit another truck that hit Casey. Casey was shaken and a bit sore, but otherwise okay. His car sure isn't. Writing a blog post was one of the only daily goals I may have met some days, and that's okay with me.  

Speaking of writing, have you entered this month's The Write Practice "Show Off" writing contest?  I hope so - many of Pollywog Creek's readers are excellent writers. The deadline to enter is Tuesday, January 10th, so you've got all weekend to work on it. 

I'm begging grace and patience if you've emailed, called or left a comment this past week that I did not respond to. Severe fatigue is a understatement. With barely enough energy to walk from one room to the next, I was in bed by 7 one night.  Some days I was too weary to talk so I ignored phone calls and have voice messages I only listened to yesterday. In a true emergency, I knew the person trying to reach me would call Louis or Emily if I didn't answer. Fortunately that never happened, but I did unintentionally worry a few friends. Please forgive me. I treasure your friendship, your comments and words of encouragement, but the rest has been good for me. The fatigue fog seems to be lifting a bit, so while watching the Gators play basketball today, I hope to respond to the comments and emails I've neglected this week. 

For now, my morning chores are behind me and it's warming up outside - time to gather my "woman cave" furnishings and find a lovely spot of sunshine.

I'd love to know what your day holds...and if you have an awesome main dish recipe you think I would like to prepare next week, I'd truly love for you to share it with me. 

{Photos} a visiting warbler