

It felt so, so good to wander about early one morning this week - when the dew was heavy and the sun began to peek across the horizon, hiding here and there behind rain clouds on her way toward the heavens.

Full of wonder at the sparkling gifts before me, I stopped to choose a camera from my basket. Could I capture even the tiniest of glimpses of glory in all that glittered green and gold and the cedar branches mirrored on the pond's dark ripples?


It's been a full week - of finishing writing/photography assignments and planning for the ones to come, a dental appointment, t-ball, an out-of-town banquet, a spaghetti dinner and gospel sing, and an afternoon of grandlittles and their fair and lovely cousin Rylie filling our home with all that little ones bring.

This morning I'm resting from all the fullness in a still and quiet house - to the click of sprinklers watering dry ground and a crow cawing in the sweet-gum tree.

There's much reading {and watching the road to March Madness} on my agenda for today.

And you?  What does your weekend hold - I really do want to know.


Linking with sweet Sandra's "Still Saturday"...

{Photos: that early morning wandering about - most of them taken with my Sony point and shoot}