
The goodness of God on a difficult day...








Whining and feeling sorry for myself is pathetic, unproductive, and sorely lacking in gratitude, but I choose to sit in that sorry place for a moment.

I'm not happy to have sent my Nikon back for repairs - right after UPS finally finds our house and delivers it.

And I'm not happy that I have to increase my RA meds - after working so hard to wean the dosage down.

And I'm certainly not happy that I need handicap parking.

I step outside the garage to soak painful joints and muscles in sunlight and God opens my eyes to the blanket of flowers and buzzing bees at my feet, and I pick up the gift that is my Sony point and shoot and capture a glimpse of the goodness of God on a difficult day.

And whining turns to gratitude when I cultivate an eye for God's multitude of mercies and grace.

Where have you caught a glimpse of the goodness of God on a difficult day? I'd love for you to tell me about it.

{Photos - the blanket of flowers at my feet}