
Wacky Wednesday...

There is a pizza place in our community that offers special "Wacky Wednesday" deals that are Hunter family favorites. Don't get your hopes up - I'm not offering any pizza deals this morning - but I do have a few links and quotes to pass your way that I think are special deals none the less. Sandy, thank you for this link. Beautiful song - a wonderful way for me to begin my morning in worship to my Father. I'll be singing that song all day. Chris Brauns is giving away 2 books and 2 daughters. That's right. If you don't believe me, go look. By the way, our small group is using his "Unpacking Forgiveness" for our weekly discussions. Talk about stimulating conversations! Good, good teachings that I wish I had received years ago. One night when Emily was about 4 or 5 years old I heard her sobbing in her bedroom after she had gone to bed. When I went in her room to comfort her she told me through tears that she didn't want to grow up and get married because it meant she would have to leave home. I thought about Emily's worries about getting married when I read Shannon Popkin's Cade's Wedding Plans this morning. Shannon is a gifted writer and speaker and I just know that you will want to add her new blog (tiny paragraphs) to your subscriptions. I must leave shortly for an appointment and there's not enough time for me to elaborate at the moment, but finding this from Dr. Mohler in my reader this morning made my heart race. It is my passion and my burden. It is the one place I know God has called me to use what ever gifts He has chosen to grant me, and I could use prayers that I will remain focused to the task. ("Do Not Cast Me Off in the Time of Old Age," Part One.) Lastly, two quotes that spoke to me this morning with links to the articles surrounding them:
"If people who don't personally know Christ, who have never been transformed by God's grace, have learned this much about giving, shouldn't we who are Christ's followers have learned a great deal more?" Randy Alcorn at Eternal Perspectives
"Only a Christian has a right to hope, for only he has the power of God to give substance to his hope." ~ A. W. Tozer (False Hope and Certain Hope)