
On My Backyard Swing::"God's Heart for You"...


As I was taking these photos, it occured to me that I need a new category of posts entitled: On my Backyard Swing.

It's no secret to Pollywog Creek readers that I think sitting on my backyard swing with a basket of good books, my camera and a cup of coffee is a little taste of heaven. If it's on my backyard swing, it's a sure sign that I think it's something good.

Holley Gerth's God's Heart for You - Embracing Your True Worth as a Woman is no exception. I'm thrilled to feature it in my first "On My Backyard Swing" post.

It doesn't matter how old we are or how mature we think we are in our walk with Christ, the world's definition of beauty and success can easily work its way into our minds and hearts, and before we know it, we've forgotten the truth about who we really are in Christ and embraced the lies.

If we want to live fully in God's abundant love and grace, bearing fruit to His glory {and what woman doesn't}, then we must know and believe our true worth.

That's why Holley's book is such a treasure. In forty short lessons that reinforce forty truths about who we are in Christ according to Scripture, Holley encourages us to reflect and respond in ways that can sow those truths deep into our thoughts and protect our hearts from the lies that keep us from being who we truly are.

As I read through each chapter, I'm journaling - making notes, writing down passages of Scripture that speak directly to me, and answering the reflection questions that help me identify beliefs I've embraced that are contrary to Scripture.

God's Heart for You is one of those books that will likely stay in my basket of good books for the backyard swing.


Before reading God's Heart for You, Holley asked us how we would finish: In God's heart I'm___________? ... and to create a way to display that in a photo. As I wrote here, I referenced this passage from Psalm 34:4-5...
I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed.
...and wrote: "In God's heart I'm Radiant".

What word would you use to complete the phrase: "In God's heart I'm__________?

Disclosure: DaySpring© Inc provided a copy of God's Heart for You and those beautiful magnetic bookmarks in the photo above in return for my fair and honest review. All opinions regarding these products are my own. If they aren't good, I promise you I would tell you. Anyone who knows me, knows how much I abhor dishonest or manipulative marketing. I simply won't do it. 

The book and bookmarks are part of the God's Heart Collection from Blessings Unlimited. You can see the entire catalog and make a purchase by locating a consultant in your area. 

You might also want to visit Facebook's In God’s Heart I Am… page  and (in)spired deals from (en)courage for more reviews of this product. 

Blessings Unlimited DaySpring© Inc, a subsidiary of Hallmark® Cards and the world's leading producer of Christian greeting cards and gifts. The name Blessings Unlimited comes from the NIV version of John 1:16:
From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another.