October can be quite the tease here at the subtropical edge of the Big Swamp. More often than not, the nearly imperceptible seasonal changes come not from lower temperatures, but the fewer hours of daylight as the sun shortens her stay each day.
We don't expect to wear sweaters - at least not in the beginning - but we think about taking them out, and shaking off the dust, and hanging one or two within easy reach.
The transition from summer to winter overlaps in layers here - much like our garments. Though we'll bring our winter clothes out of storage, we'll never put our summer clothes away.
October mornings on Pollywog Creek are bringing falling leaves from the sweetgum trees and delightfully cool breezes, but hibiscus are in bloom and sandals on our feet by noon.
{Photos} and post - a repost from October 2010 - because some things don't change.