When Susan invited me to her family's ranch to catch morning light sparkle through flowering grasses, I prayed on that pre-dawn drive south down dark rural roads that God would open my eyes to His glory - where ever He chose to display it.
As morning light diffused the dark, low clouds appeared blanketed across the eastern horizon, dulling the rising sun's sparkles we'd hope to capture. But I've learned - if I only look for sparkling grass, I'll wonder what glory I failed to see elsewhere.
As I count God's generous gifts in community with Ann, I'm grateful for Christ and the abundant grace and mercy displayed on the cross, without which nothing else matters - and for the multitude of ways God displays His glory, His grace and his love in my life:
...Susan - for her gracious hospitality, for framing my photos on the wall of her lovely home, for driving me around their beautiful property in an ez-go in search of sparkles at sunrise, and for the fellowship and stories shared along the way
...a glorious sunrise over grazing cattle
...spider webs on barb wire fences
...yellow-breasted meadowlark
...a trio of red-capped sandhill cranes
...fence posts dressed in virginia creepers
...cool breezes on warm afternoons
...a nap on my backyard swing
...quiet mornings on the back porch
...big-eyed tufted titmouse at the feeders
...blue jays, mockingbirds, and cardinals drinking and bathing at the birdbath
...Easter garden flowers blooming still
...wild poinsettias
...the fruit of palm trees
...oranges ripening
...white picket fences
...our rural community and the river than runs through it
...the love of family
...the love of friends
For the beauty of the earth
For the glory of the skies,
For the love which from our birth
Over and around us lies.
Lord of all, to Thee we raise,
This our hymn of grateful praise.
~ Pierpoint