
Write it or live it?





I'd intended to publish the next Color of September post this morning, but circumstances called on me to live it {being available means considering my agenda less important than the needs of others} rather than write about it. 

Isn't that the way it often happens? It's a testing of sort, I think. Not that I believe that God sent grief or hardship to someone else that I might respond, but maybe he prompted me to write about how I would respond when He knew what would be happening in the life of those I love.  

All I really know is that God is sovereign in the affairs of His creation and I don't need to try to explain it further. 

Don't forget the giveaway I wrote about yesterday. Several people have told me they are unable to leave a comment here. Would you do me a favor? If you are having a problem commenting, would you please drop me an email and let me know the problem you are having so I can work with Disqus to resolve it? 

{Photos: late September dawn on Pollywog Creek}