
31 Days::Day 24 - A yellow grace falling...


Down here in the land of swamp cabbage, alligators and skeeters, fall is so subtle and slow to creep in on the back of summer that except for the shorter days and longer nights....


...and the explosion of yellow goldenrod and wild daisies gracing the edges of our rural roads and dotting countryside fields...


...those who haven't lived here long {and even some of us that have} might miss it. 

We get behind the wheel of our days and take the same roads we've always traveled - so sure that we know what's out there that we don't even bother looking.


While I complain about the heat and skeeter bites, dentist appointments and dirty laundry, dogs that dig holes in our flower beds, and the same-ole-same-ole, I miss the glorious rising and setting of the sun, the clean air that fills my lungs, and the yellow grace falling all around me.  

Day 24 - Romans 10 {... For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” vs 13}, more fall decorating, more cleaning inside windows.

31 Days of Just One Thing